Crosstable for division Swiss (2023 - 2024 season)

Key: Click here to see completed matches only= Completed, Click here to see matches that include adjourned or disputed or adjudicated games= Includes uncompleted game(s), Match played today = Played today, Match played in the future = Played in the future, Click here to see matches where the result has not yet been submitted and should have been played = Not submitted

Sta 1 Ins 1 Ban 1 Hay 1 HSB 1 Mor 1 EBR 1 Bar 1 Ath 1 Deu 1 Soc 1 Lon 1 Mac 1 Bar 2PEN PTS
Standard Chartered/NatWest 1
See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  3 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2023-10-10 2  3
See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-04-09 2  4
See the match card for HSBC 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-02-27 2  3 See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  1 See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2023-10-31 2  2.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2023-11-28 2  4 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
Insurance 1 See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Insurance 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2023-11-28 2  2.5 See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2024-04-09 2  3 See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2024-02-27 1  2 See the match card for Barclays 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2023-10-31 2  3 See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2024-03-19 2  3 See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2023-10-10 2  4 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on  
See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2023-10-10 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2023-11-28 0  1 See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2024-04-09 2  4 See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2024-02-27 2  3.5 See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-03-19 2  3.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Barclays 2 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  3-
Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2023-10-10 0  1
See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-04-09 0  0
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2023-10-31 2  3
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2023-11-28 2  2.5 See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-03-19 2  4 See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  2.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2024-02-27 2  3 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
HSBC 1 See the match card for HSBC 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-02-27 0  1 See the match card for Insurance 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2023-11-28 0  1.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on  
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for HSBC 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1 See the match card for Barclays 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2024-03-19 2  2.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for HSBC 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2023-10-10 2  3.5 See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2023-10-31 2  2.5
See the match card for HSBC 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-04-09 2  3
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
Morgan Stanley 1 See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 played on 2024-03-19 2  3 See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2024-04-09 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2023-11-28 0  1.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on  
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Barclays 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2024-02-27 1  2 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  4 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-10-31 1  2-
EBRD 1 See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1.5 See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2024-02-27 1  2 See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2023-10-10 2  3 See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  0 See the match card for HSBC 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  3 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on  
See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2023-11-28 2  3 See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-04-09 1  2 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
Barclays 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Barclays 1 vs Insurance 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1.5 See the match card for Barclays 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  1.5 See the match card for Barclays 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2024-02-27 1  2 See the match card for EBRD 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2023-11-28 0  1
See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2023-10-10 2  3.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2024-04-09 2  4 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   -
Athenaeum 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  1 See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2023-11-28 2  3 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs EBRD 1 played on 2024-04-09 1  2 See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2023-10-10 0  0.5
See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1 See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2023-10-31 1  2 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2024-02-27 2  4-
Deutsche Bank 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Insurance 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2023-10-10 0  0 See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2024-04-09 0  0 See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Haysmacintyre/Evelyn Partners 1 played on 2024-02-27 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  3
See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2024-03-19 1  2
See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2023-11-28 1  2
See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Macquarie 1 played on 2024-03-19 1  2 See the match card for Barclays 2 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2023-10-31 1  2-
Societe Generale 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2024-02-27 0  0.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for HSBC 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2023-10-10 0  0.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Athenaeum 1 played on 2023-10-31 1  2 See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  0
See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2023-11-28 1  2

See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Macquarie 1 played on 2024-01-30 2  2.5
See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  0
See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2024-04-09 2  4-
London Stock Exchange Group 1 See the match card for Standard Chartered/NatWest 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2023-11-28 0  0 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  0.5 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs HSBC 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  1.5
See the match card for HSBC 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-04-09 0  1
See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs Morgan Stanley 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  0 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on  
See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-02-27 2  3 See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-10-10 2  3-
Macquarie 1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Barclays 1 played on 2024-04-09 0  0 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Deutsche Bank 1 vs Macquarie 1 played on 2024-03-19 0  0 See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Macquarie 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1.5
See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Societe Generale 1 played on 2024-03-19 1  2
See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs London Stock Exchange Group 1 played on 2024-02-27 0  1
See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-11-28 2  3-
Barclays 2 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Barclays 2 vs Bank of England/Bloomberg 1 played on 2024-01-30 0  1 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Morgan Stanley 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-10-31 0  0 See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Not assigned  vs Not assigned  played on   See the match card for Athenaeum 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2024-02-27 0  0 See the match card for Barclays 2 vs Deutsche Bank 1 played on 2023-10-31 0  0 See the match card for Societe Generale 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2024-04-09 0  0 See the match card for London Stock Exchange Group 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-10-10 0  1 See the match card for Macquarie 1 vs Barclays 2 played on 2023-11-28 0  1